The Sumter County Extension Service will conduct a series of field trials at the Sumter County Youth Center on a pre-selected small-scale composting vessel. Compostable organic materials will be collected by local volunteer groups and will serve as the feedstock for the compost unit field test. Testing will take place to determine the effectiveness of a composting unit known as the Earth Tub composting vessel. Testing and data collection will include: Type and Quantity of Feedstock, Elapsed Time to Compost Various Feedstock, Weekly Temperature Readings and Compost Analysis by a Private Laboratory.

To create awareness of the program and to provide educational opportunities, a composting informational kiosk will be created to showcase composting techniques and the results of the Earth Tub demonstration. Children and adults will learn about composting while visiting the Sumter County Youth Center and educational publications will be available for home, school, office or business application. A promotional publication will be created to promote composting as well as create interest in the FORCE sponsored composting unit field trial.


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