Florida School Food Waste Program and Resources

Resources Page for Florida (FL) Schools and Food Waste Management - https://floridaforce.org/school-food-waste/

Visit the FORCE website school food waste sub-page and hover your mouse over it to explore innovative information for FL school food waster education programs, including but not limited to the following resources: 1) FDACS Role, 2) Food Recovery Importance, 3) School Food Waste Challenge, 4) Resources for Schools, 5) School Gardens, 6) Share Tables, 7) Food Donations, 8) Starting a Food Donation Program, and 9) Food Donation Programs.   This subpage contains a plethora of information to learn the language and the important role that food waste management plays in the FL school system. According to the USDA, K-12 schools have a special role in not only reducing, recovering, and recycling food waste on their premises, but also in educating the next generation about recovering wholesome, excess food for donation.  And serve as an important conduit for reducing food to conserve nature’s resources and natural resources in food production.  The information on this page is intended to provide FL specific information to FL schools (K-12).

Please help FORCE spread the word to the appropriate contacts for the schools in your area or to schools your kids attend.  Thank you.

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