Any individual, organization, farm or company who consumes or purchases compost, mulch, soil amendments or other product made from recycled organic waste qualifies as an “Organics End User” or Market. In many states, one of the largest users and buyers of compost is the Department of Transportation.  See their information HERE.

Additionally, by providing the Organics End-Users with information to identify compost facilities producing compost within the state, the End-Users can identify and research the different options for obtaining, procuring and using compost in Florida, as well as enabling End-Users the ability to choose recycled organics products that best fits their needs.

Please go to the Compost Facility Page, use the search function to search the seven maps and find facilities near you, and then open up the little green icon  for more information for the exact facility address, contact information, website information, what type of facility, what materials they accept, if they accept material from the public, and what products they sell.

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